
Most all of what you see here has been maintained and done by the talented Nissie. Because she had shrinified her fanlisting, I decided to take all the information and content over from her and Shaza added some tweaks here and there which I am also keeping.

About Section
  • FF Shrine - For awesome in-depth information regarding Sephiroth.
  • The Sefirot - For information regarding the Kabbalah and the Ten Sefirots, for the meaning of Sephiroh's Name.
  • Japanese Sword Guide - For the information regarding the swordsmith Masamune.
  • Japan Forum - For extra information regarding the Masamune and the Muramasa.
Fanlisting Credits
  • The Fanlistings.ORG - For giving me the opportunity to host the officially approved Sephiroth fanlisting.
  • The AnimeFanlistings.ORG - For giving me the opportunity to host the officially approved Last Order OAV: Sephiroth fanlisting.
  • Enthusiast - PHP program used for the fanlisting, created by Angela.


Angels Instead is the only fanlisting approved by the anime fanlistings and the fanlistings network for the character Sephiroth from the game series Final Fantasy VII. Sephiroth and Final Fantasy was created by Hironobu Sakaguchi and owned by Square Enix and this fanlisting is not officially approved by the said creator. It is specifically for fun to unite the people who adores/love Sephiroth throughout the world.

I designed the layout but I don't claim copyrights or ownership to the images used, so please do not reproduce it in any way. It was designed using Adobe Photoshop CS6 and was hand-coded in Notepad++.